Minimum Clinical Experience Requirements to qualify for Graduation
In order for students to graduate from National Midwifery Institute, they must complete, and seek verifying signatures on:
Functioning in any role (observer, doula, family member, friend, beginning apprentice):
10 Observe Births
Functioning in the role of student-assistant midwife under preceptor supervision:
20 Assist Births
22 Assist Prenatal exams
3 Assist Initial exams
20 Assist Newborn exams
10 Assist Postpartum exams
Functioning in the role of student-primary midwife under preceptor supervision:
25 Births attended
75 Prenatal exams
20 Initial exams
20 Newborn exams
40 Postpartum exams within the first 6 weeks 0 days postpartum
Of the 25 required Student-Primary under Supervision births, 10 must be with clients for whom the apprentice provided Continuity of Care, with at least:
1 prenatal exam in a student-primary or student-assisting role; and birth.
Of the 25 required Student-Primary under Preceptor Supervision births, an additional 5 must be with clients for whom the apprentice provided Full Continuity of Care, with at least:
5 prenatal visits spanning two trimesters;
1 newborn exam performed within 12 hours of the birth, and;
2 postpartum exams occurring between 24 hours and 6 weeks following the birth
Notes and FAQ
All Student-Assist prenatal exams, newborn exams, and postpartum exams must be completed before beginning the same categories of clinicals as student-primary midwife under preceptor supervision.
18 Student-Assist births must be completed before beginning Student-Primary under Preceptor Supervision births, or more at the discretion of the supervising preceptor.
A minimum of 5 home births must be attended in any role.
A minimum of 2 planned hospital births must be attended in any role.
Transports to the hospital from an out-of-hospital setting are limited to 4 out of the 20 Student-Assistant under Preceptor Supervision births and 3 out of the 25 Student-Primary under Preceptor Supervision births: the first 20 Student-Primary under Preceptor Supervision births may include 2 transports, and the remaining 5 Student-Primary under Preceptor Supervision births may include 1 transport.
10 out-of-hospital Student-Primary under Preceptor Supervision births must occur within the last 3 years from NARM application date and graduation.
All required minimum clinical experience must occur within the last 10 years from NARM application date and graduation.
A minimum of 10 of the 25 Student-Primary Under Preceptor Supervision births must be attended in the US or Canada and must occur in out-of-hospital settings.
NARM requires that the clinical component of a student’s midwifery education must be at least two years in duration. California Midwifery Practice Act requires for licensure: a program that is 84 semester units in length, with half of the program consisting of clinical practice (84 semester units equates to 3780 total contact hours, with half being 1890 clinical contact hours.) NMI requires a minimum student enrollment period of twelve months, provided that the student meets the NARM two-year clinical timeframe stated above.
These clinical experiences are sufficient to meet NARM certification standards for entry-level midwifery practice, California licensing requirements as well as the licensing requirements of many states.
Although students are encouraged to seek continuity of training by working primarily with one preceptor, a student may have any number of qualified preceptors. Students attending births with a new preceptor and with prior birth experience sufficient to begin student-primary care under preceptor supervision may be required to attend births as an observer or assistant before beginning student-primary care under preceptor supervision.
Current NMI forms require preceptor signatures for each exam and birth.
Students are required to use client codes (not names) on all experience documentation. Clinical experience documentation with client names will be returned to the student for resubmission.
NMI’s Batch Summary forms are confirmation that each student is aware of the documentation in that specific batch. The Batch Summary is not intended to document the running total of previous batches. The student, not the preceptor, signs Batch Summary forms. Preceptor signatures are required on the forms that itemize each clinical experience with client codes.
Students are required to submit documentation for the experience completed during each quarter by the end of that quarter.
NMI Graduation Requirements
In order to graduate from National Midwifery Institute, students are required to:
Complete all 10 Beginning/Intermediate and 3 Advanced Heart & Hands modules
Complete all 52 Study Group Course Work modules, including practice guidelines, and all requirement Post-Tests and Comprehensive Quiz
Complete the minimum clinical experience requirements for NMI graduation. Original forms must be on file prior to graduation if student has sent copies only.
During apprenticeship and Observe and Assist experience, file preceptor/student reviews after every 3 months. For specific forms filing schedule, contact NMI or refer to NMI Student Portal, Apprenticeship section.
During apprenticeship and Supervised Primary Care, file Form 52, Form 53, and Preceptor Evaluation of Student form after every 5 births. For specific forms filing schedule, contact NMI or refer to NMI Student Portal, Apprenticeship section.
Achieve competent demonstration of content of NARM Skills List (preceptor rates student with 4’s on all skills included in Form 52 - Assessment of Student’s Midwifery Skills form).
Provide evidence of current CPR (adult and infant) and Neonatal Resuscitation certification
Submit Skills Requiring a Second Signature form (located in NMI Student Portal, Apprenticeship section).
Submit Heart & Hands and Study Group Course Work Instructor Evaluations after completing each set of course work
Submit Final Exit Survey
Submit all Study Group Course Work Module Evaluation Sheets.
Pay all tuition and fees in full.