Upcoming Guest Speakers
Sunday, April 13th at 5:30 PM PT / 8:30 PM ET
NMI Students must register and are welcome to attend at no additional cost! Enter the discount code emailed to you.
Public Registration: Register Below!
Jacob Engelsman is an IBCLC specializing in lactation support for gender diverse families. He is the author of Lactation for the Rest of Us: A Guide for Queer and Trans Parents and Helpers as well as many talks and articles on how clinicians can better support LGBTQIA+ families.
In this presentation, we will discuss ways birth and lactation professionals can make their clinic spaces more inviting to gender-diverse families as well as the importance of providing informed care to these communities.
There is a $50 fee to attend this talk, with a 50% discount offered only to students who need it. Enter “STUDENT$BREAK” at checkout.
If you would like to sponsor LGBTQIA+ student midwives, please, we welcome your support! Click “Sponsor” in the drop down box. Either enter their email in the comment box at registration, or let us know and we’ll find someone to fill the spot! Contact Gloria@NationalMidwiferyInstitute.com with questions or concerns.
Sign up for the Guest Speaker Mailing List!
Past Guest Speakers
A Midwife Solution, Virtual Film Showing and Q&A with film producer and midwife, Nicole Havelka, CPM
Sunday, November 24th at 5:30 PM PT / 8:30 PM ET
Public Registration: https://www.powr.io/zoom-form/i/36759697#page
A Midwife Solution is an intentionally short documentary, with the purpose of energizing and empowering community supporters and advocates as well as educating legislators, public health leadership, and other stakeholders. This documentary is meant to be a hook that draws people into understanding there is an issue around CPM licensure and legal practice, makes people want to learn more and not only endorse but join the effort to see CPMs licensed and integrated in North Carolina. North Carolina remains one of the few states that does not license CPMs to practice, and one of the very few that continues to criminalize CPMs who do practice.
Ways to stay in touch:
Instagram: @AMidwifeSolution / https://www.instagram.com/amidwifesolution/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AMidwifeSolutionDocumentary
Black History Month Chat with Rachel Hicks and Simone Snyder
February 2024
Instagram Live @NationalMidwiferyInstitute
FILM SHOWING and Q&A “No One Told Me. An observational documentary about the postpartum experience”, a film by Zulilah Merry.
September 2023
Instagram: @noonetoldmedocumentary
Introduction to Spinning Babies® with Partera Tema Mercado
June 2023
See Tema on IG @MatrizMidwife and in SB Workshops
Monitoring Fetal Heart Rate & How to Chart with Holly Scholles
February 2023
Holly’s other courses can be found on the Hive CE: https://www.hivece.com/courses/fetal-assessment-in-labor-2
Hakima Tafunzi Payne, MSN, RN
Manifestations of Racism in Midwifery Education"
January 2023
Contact: https://www.facebook.com/UzaziVillage
Raven V. Faber, Founder, CEO of EngErotics, Inc
Pleasure In Pregnancy: How to Enjoy Sensual Play Before Baby
October 2022
Contact: Raven.Faber@engerotics.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/engerotics/
Twitter: twitter.com/EngErotics
FB: EngErotics
Sabia Wade, CEO of The Black Doula, Inc.
“Racism and Privilege in Birthwork”
March 2022
BADT - Birthing Advocacy Doula Training
Jennifer Mozeke, CPM
“The Business of Birth Work Presents : Make It Make Cents”
January 2022
Contact: Jennifer Mozeke, CPM of Trinity Birth Services
Email: info@tbsmidwife.com
Website: https://tbsmidwife.com
Monica Larrea, CPM
“Earth Economy: Shifting the Paradigm for Sustainable Practice”
December 2021
Monica Larrea’s social media & contact:
IG @moni_the_midwife
FB @ Monica Larrea
email: parteriacolibri@gmail.com
Jessie Ray Spivey
“The Doudad: From Dude To Doula”
November 2021
Jessie Ray Spivey's social media & contact:
IG @theDoudad & Spilled Milk IG TV
FB @thedoudaddoulaservices
Madeleine Wisner LM, CPM
“Medi-Cal for California Licensed Midwives”
October 2021
Madeleine Wisner's online contact info:
IG: @welcomehomesac
FB: https://www.facebook.com/welcomehomems
website: http://www.welcomehomesac.org/
Classes & Resources:
Hive CEU: Billing for Midwives
CALM: see the Medi-Cal Webinar
Cultural Reciprocity in Birth Work: Cultivating Symbiotic Relationships
September 2021
Montse Olmos online:
Mayte Acolt online:
Joyell Arvella online:
Website: https://www.indigobirthings.com
Social Media: @joyell.arvella
Joyell Arvella & Moss Froom
“Solidarity in Birthing: Addressing anti-blackness and transphobia in birth work”
August 2021
Moss Froom online:
Website: www.mossthedoula.com
Email: moss.froom@gmail.com
Social Media: @mossthedoula
Jacob Engelsman, IBCLC
“Lactation for the Rest of Us: Trans and Non-Binary Lactation Concerns”
June 2021
Jacob Engelsman online:
website: https://www.jacobengelsmanibclc.com
Upcoming talk 6/23 “Inducing Lactation” register@ https://getboober.com/inducing-lactation/
Cassandra Aho, CPM of Midnight Midwifery Consulting
“Intimate Partner Violence: What Midwives Need to Know”
July 2021
Cassandra Aho online:
Website: http://www.midnightmidwifery.com
Okunsola M. Amadou, CPM of Jamaa Birth Village
"Sustainability and Serving Our Communities"
April 2021
Okunsola M. Amadou online and contact:
Website: https://jamaabirthvillage.org
Instagram: @jamaabirthvillage
Facebook: Jamaa Birth Village
BTK Consulting Firm: https://www.btkconsultingfirm.com
Jamaa's New Home: https://www.jamaasnewhome.org
Tru's Books: https://www.thecosmicgrove.com/books
Emilia Ortega-Jara, LCSW of Corazón Counseling
"Perinatal Distress: What Birth Workers Should Know"
May 2021
Emilia Ortega-Jara online:
Website: http://corazoncounseling.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/corazoncounseling/
Bianca Tema Mercado, LM, CPM
“Beyond Informed Consent, Navigating Embodied Consent”
Feb 2021
Contact info & websites:
Website: https://www.lamatrizbirth.com
E-courses: https://learn.lamatrizbirth.com
Facebook: La Matriz Birth Services
Dr. Amanda Ramirez, DPT
“The Breath, Core, & Pelvic Floor Connection”
Jan 2021
Andrea Ramirez online:
Website: https://www.madehecho.com
Instagram: @MadeHecho
Marea Goodman, LM, CPM
“Queer Conception for Midwives”
Dec 2020
Marea Goodman online:
Website: http://www.restoremidwifery.com
Instagram: @Restore_Midwifery
Facebook: Restore Midwifery
Call for Submissions for LGBTQ conception stories: LINK