NMI Preceptor Registration

Thank you for your interest in working with our students and for your commitment to furthering the art, science, and skills of midwifery in your community and beyond. We are thrilled you’d like to register as a preceptor with NMI.

Individuals interested in applying to be Clinical Faculty for the National Midwifery Institute must certify they have read NMI's Student Handbook and have an understanding of the clinical instruction & apprenticeship requirements at NMI, the clinical experience requirements for graduation, the preceptor evaluation process, and student and faculty rights and responsibilities. NMI Preceptors also must adhere to NMI Faculty Policy and Procedures.

Finally, NMI Preceptors also must practice in a state where NMI has Permission to Operate.

Before you submit an application:

Please use this list to gather necessary documentation that will be required during the application.

  • Current copy of credentials (Certificate of Licensure, CPM Certificate, etc).

  • Current NARM Preceptor Registration Certificate (if applicable).

Clinical Sites should ensure they meet the criteria outlined in the Clinical Site Guidelines. When completing the Clinical Site Form, please gather the following documentation that will be required:

  • If your site is located in a commercial space:

    • submit proof of inspection by local and/or state authorities. If you do not have access to this proof of inspection complete the attached Clinical Site Safety Checklist and upload with your application.

    • submit proof of facility accreditation or business license/permission to operate.

Preceptor Application Process

To register as a new preceptor at NMI complete the following:

  • Step 1: Ensure the student you intend to work with has submitted a Preceptor/Student request form. This form can be found on the apprenticeship page of their student portal.

  • Step 2: Complete NMI’s Preceptor Application.

  • Step 3: Complete NMI’s Clinical Site Form (this may be completed by Administrative Staff at the Clinical Site, only one per site).

Upon filing of the above, you must complete a Preceptor/Student Work Agreement for each Preceptor/Student relationship at NMI. NMI will email these documents to the Preceptor and Student.