States Permission to Operate
NMI must be legally authorized to operate or exempt from such authorization with all regulatory agencies that govern midwifery education programs, post-secondary education, vocational education, and/or degree-granting institutions in every state or local jurisdiction in which our students permanently reside or in which where our institution has a presence.
NMI is currently able to enroll students residing in the following states*:
New Jersey
North Carolina
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Ready to enroll? Contact Us!
NMI is not currently able to enroll students residing in the following states*:
New Hampshire
New Mexico
New York
North Dakota
West Virginia
Puerto Rico
District of Columbia
We are currently not accepting new international students.
The permission to operate process varies state to state, and NMI has not completed this process for every state. If you are interested in enrolling in our program and your state is on the list of states where we are not currently able to enroll students, we may be in process to receive permission to operate already, or we may have not yet started the process. There are also several states where we are unable to receive permission to operate due to the type of program we offer, or due to the legal status of midwifery and the requirements for permitting. Contact Us for more information.
*Note: permission or exemption from permission to operate in a specific state does not indicate the legal status of midwifery in that state nor does it indicate whether or National Midwifery Institute is an approved route to midwifery licensure in that state. While NMI can provide resources and contact information for state midwifery regulatory bodies, it is the responsibility of the applicant/ student to determine the legal status of midwifery in the state where they intend to apprentice and/or practice, as well as to determine whether or not graduation from National Midwifery Institute is an acceptable educational program in the state where they wish to practice.
Further Details
NMI is exempt from obtaining permission to operate from the relevant regulatory body governing non-degree granting correspondence education institutions in the following states*:
Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Virginia.
*Note: permission or exemption from permission to operate in a specific state does not indicate the legal status of midwifery in that state nor does it indicate whether or National Midwifery Institute is an approved midwifery education program in that state. It is the responsibility of the applicant/ student to determine the legal status of midwifery in the state where they intend to apprentice and/or practice, as well as to determine whether or not graduation from National Midwifery Institute is an acceptable educational program in the state where they wish to practice.
NMI is licensed/permitted to operate our correspondence educational program by the following state regulatory bodies*:
National Midwifery Institute is registered as an out-of-state school with the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education, pursuant to California Education Code (CEC) section 94801.5.
Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
2535 Capitol Oaks Drive, Suite 400, Sacramento CA 95833
National Midwifery Institute is approved by the Medical Board of California as meeting the educational requirements for a license as a midwife in California. Approval was granted based on the program meeting the qualifications listed in Business and Professions Code and Title 16 of the California Code of Regulations section.
Medical Board of California Midwifery Licensing Program
2005 Evergreen Street, Suite 1200
Sacramento, CA 95815-5401
National Midwifery Institute is permitted to operate as a proprietary school in Michigan and is authorized to conduct postsecondary education.
State of Michigan Corporations, Securities & Commercial Licensing Bureau PO Box 30018
Lansing, MI 48909
National Midwifery Institute is licensed to operate private postsecondary experiential courses in the state of Nevada.
Nevada Commission on Postsecondary Education 8778 S. Maryland Parkway, Suite 115
Las Vegas, NV 89123
*Note: permission or exemption from permission to operate in a specific state does not indicate the legal status of midwifery in that state nor does it indicate whether or National Midwifery Institute is an approved midwifery education program in that state. It is the responsibility of the applicant/ student to determine the legal status of midwifery in the state where they intend to apprentice and/or practice, as well as to determine whether or not graduation from National Midwifery Institute is an acceptable educational program in the state where they wish to practice.
NMI Policy and Procedure on State Authorization
Authorization to offer post-secondary midwifery education in jurisdictions where NMI will enroll students:
In order to accept students in a state or country NMI will obtain either:
• Appropriate authorization, or;
• Notice from the relevant governmental body(s) in that jurisdiction that NMI is exempt from needing authorization.
When NMI would like to begin accepting students from a state/country, NMI will:
1) Research the laws of the state/country in regards to:
a) Physical presence triggers for private post-secondary correspondence education institutions;
b) Appropriate laws and regulations regarding institutions of higher education, foreign institutions of higher education, and the application of these requirements to NMI’s specific activities/proposed activities within the state/country; c) Rules and regulations pertaining to midwifery education programs specifically.
2) If the relevant governmental body(s) policy statements specific to approval of correspondence midwifery education programs are unavailable or inconclusive, NMI will send a letter or email to the department of the state/country governing higher education to determine if licensure or other approval is required.
3) Once an answer is received from the state/country:
a) NMI will consider the requirements carefully and decide whether to seek approval and comply with requirements of the state/country, or
b) If the requirements are too onerous for financial or other reasons:
i) NMI will not accept new students in that state/country.
ii) NMI will put a notice up on its website that NMI will not accept students within that state/country. Those NMI students who are already enrolled will not be served by NMI if they choose to move to the prohibited state/country during their current enrollment.
4) In the case that NMI already has students working within a state/country, and during that enrollment, NMI is notified by the state/country or becomes aware that the laws or requirements have changed and NMI is now required to obtain licensure/permission/other to have students there:
a) NMI will comply with requirements of the state/country and will not accept new students in that state/country until in compliance, or
b) If the requirements are too onerous for financial or other reasons:
i) NMI will cease to accept students in that state/country;
ii) NMI will put a notice up on its website that NMI will not accept students in that state/country and those NMI students who are already enrolled will not be served by NMI if they choose to move to the prohibited state/country during their current enrollment, and;
c) NMI will make every attempt to teach out the students that are currently already enrolled and are completing program requirements within the state/country.