Below is a list of available sessions from the 1993 MANA Conference, "Spinning Tales, Weaving Hope" San Francisco, CA, Oct 14 - 17, 1993
MNA93- P3-1: Wise Woman Ways Part 1- Susan Weed & Herbologigst
MNA93- P3-2: Wise Woman Ways Part 2- Susan Weed & Herbologigst
MNA93- P3-4: Wise Woman Ways Part 4 - Susan Weed & Herbologigst
MNA93- A2: Group Prenatal Care - June Whitson, CNM
MNA93- A6: Traditional Chinese Medicine - Raven Long, CA, Midwife
MNA93- C1: Pediatric Homeopathy - Paula Tipton-Healy, Midwife
MNA93- C3-1: Perinatal Pharmacology Part 1 - Maria Mangini, CNM
MNA93- C3-2: Perinatal Pharmacology Part 2 - Maria Mangini, CNM
MNA93- G4: Navajo Woman's Belief in Childbirth - Ursula Knoki-Wilson & Faye Knoki