Below is a list of available sessions from the 1997 MANA Conference, "A Midwife for Every Mother" Seattle, October 30- November 2nd, 1997
MNA97- 552.1: Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Birth 1 - Miranda Castro
MNA97- 552.2: Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Birth 2 - Miranda Castro
MNA97- 552.3: Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Birth 3 - Miranda Castro
MNA552.4: Homeopathy in Pregnancy and Birth 4 - Miranda Castro
MNA97- 541: Working with Teens - Sheila Capistany & S.Gerety
MNA97- 540: Student Evaluation Strategies - Unknown
MNA97- 539: Grief Counseling Skills - Margery Penland
MNA97- 537: Handling Obstetric Emergencies - Sally Avenson
MNA97- 535: Midwives & MD's in Consultation Relationships - S.Myers, L.Shelly, R.Anderson & C.Petty
MNA97- 530: What Fertility Has to do with Family Planning - Jacqueline Meadows
MNA97- 529: Third Millennium Midwives, Who Should they Be? - Robbie Davis-Floyd
MNA97- 527: Midwives in the African-American Community - J.Holmes, K.Salt & S.Abdullah-Ziamah
MNA97- 525: Immunization Update - Unknown
MNA97- 522: Domestic Violence & Pregnancy, A Risk Factor - Janet Stevenson
MNA97- 520: The Absence of Diversity in Midwifery - Tanya Khemet & Michelle Sarju
MNA97- 506: Clinical Genetics I, Prenantal Assessment- Susie Ball
MNA97- 513: Clinical Genetics II, Family/Newborn Assessments - Linda Ramsdell
MNA97- 510: Midwifery Records, Building a Liability Defense - Donna Moniz
MNA97- 507: Group B Strep, Clinical Update - Larry Larson
MNA97- 500: Keynote Address- Changing Ourselves, Changing the World - Byllye Avery