Below is a list of available sessions from the 1998 MANA Conference, "Midwifery in the Mainstream" Traverse City, November 11-15th, 1998
MNA98- 646 1: Problem-Solving Student Evaluation - Therese Charvet & Justine Clegg
MANA98- 644: Whose Mainstream? Exploring Cultural Depths - Judy Luce
MNA98- 642: Mentoring & Precepting Students & Apprentices - Dianne Bjarnson, Mary Doezema & Sameera Shareef
MNA98- 638: Vaccine Choices, Homeopathic Alternatives - Patty Brennan
MNA98- 637: Drugs in Labor, Effects Twenty Years Hence - Beverly Beech
MNA98- 636: Reaching the Underserved - Katsi Cook, Darlene Birch & Libby Bogdan-Lovis
MNA- 634: The Hundred Years War to Eliminate the Midwife - Faith Gibson
MNA98- 630: In the Beginning, There was a Study Group - Sierra Hillebrand & Carrie Chamberlin Schwartz
MNA98-601.1: A Call to Work Togethe, Mainstream Models Part 1 - Katsi Cook, Barbara Katz Rothman & Panel
MNA98-601.2: A Call to Work Together, Mainstream Models Part 2 - Katsi Cook, Barbara Katz Rothman & Panel
MNA98- 629: Herbs for Labor & Birth - Aviva Romm