Below is a list of available sessions from the 2004 MANA Conference, "Midwifery, A bridge to the Sacred" Jantzen Beach, October 15 - 17th, 2004
MNA04-042: The Use of Obstetric Research in North America Disturbing Trends - Betty Anne Davis & Ken Johnson
MNA04-035: MEAC, Sharing the Heart of Midwifery a Preceptor - Abigail Hoffar
MNA04-033: Business Mentoring for Midwives - Elle Daniels
MNA04-031: Internet Research Epidemiology - Seattle Midwifery Panel
MAN04-024: Plus-Sized Pregnancy, Serving Women of Size - Pamela Vireday
MNA04- 018: MEAC, Disrupting Nuturance- Crisis & Authority in Midwifery Education - Vickie Van Wagner
MAN04- 015: Vaccinations: Current Issues in Care - Ed Hoffman-Smith
MNA04- 012: Daughter of Time, The Post-Modern Midwife - Robbie Davis-Floyd
MNA04- 007: Physiological Cord Closure, More Important than You Thought - Anne Frye