Below is a list of available sessions from the 2013 MANA Conference, "Birthing Social Change," Portland, Oregon, October 24-27 2013.  

MAX02: President’s Welcome    

MAX03: Midwifing Activism - Engaging Families in the Birth Revolution—Roanna Rosewood Activist, Author, Mother

MAX04: The Cultural Work of Midwives in Effecting Social Change—Judy Luce CPM, LM, MA

MAX05: African-American Mothers and Prematurity and LBW in the US - A Qualitative Analysis of CPM Prevention Narratives—Melissa Cheyney PhD, CPM, LDM and Arika Makena Bridgeman-Bunyoli MPH

MAX06: Well Woman Care and HPV - Understanding the New Screening Guidelines—Lisa Sanderson-Fox LM, CPM


MAX09: Ethics and Social Justice in Midwifery Education—Wendy Gordon CPM, LM, MPH and Illysa Foster CPM, LM, M.Ed

MAX10: From Charity to Philanthropy - Learning the Art of the Ask—Foundation for the Advancement of Midwifery board members

MAX12: The Stories We Tell - Addressing Racism and Inequity in Midwifery— Sheila Capestany MPH, MSW

MAX13: Keynote Address    

MAX14: Birthing Social Change in Midwifery Education—Wendy Gordon CPM, LM, MPH

MAX16: ACNM, MANA, and NACPM - Working together to promote normal birth in the US—Justine Clegg, MS, LM, CPM, Eleanor (Ellie) Daniels, CPM, and Cathy Collins-Fulea, MSN, CNM, FACNM

MAX17: MANA Stats Project Research Studies - Duration of Labor and Perineal Outcomes by Birth Position—Megan Wood LM, MSM and Caity Wheaton LM, MSM

MAX19: Beyond “Each One Teach One” - Toward a Sustainable Model of Midwifery Apprenticeship—Augustine Colebrook CPM, LM

MAX22: Is Anyone Listening to Mothers? —Eugene Declercq PhD (speaker co-sponsored by ICTC) 

Comparing Mothers’ Views to Contemporary Practice

MAX24: Religious and Cultural Considerations When Serving Muslim Families—Aisha Al Hajjar AMANI

MAX25: Diastasis Recti—Kelly Dean MPT    

MAX26: Communicating Across the Home-Hospital Divide in the US— Melissa Cheyney PhD, CPM, LDM; Courtney Everson MA, PhDc

Narratives of Risk, Fear, and Mutual Accommodation

MAX27: Female Pelvic Soft Tissue Anatomy—Anne Frye CPM, BA

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