Course Module
Embryology & Fetal Development - Google Doc
or search for the PDF of this module here.
*NOTE: NMI's Study Group module formatting guidelines specify that students provide the text of each question, followed by a blank line and then their response. Sometimes cutting and pasting from the above pdf version causes formatting issues in your word processing document. If this occurs, please use the Google Doc version of the module to make a copy and save to drive.
PDF Resources
Embryology & Fetal Development, Lecture slides from the Hive Mind, November 9th, 2022 with Molly Dutton-Kenny
Online Resources
Introduction page to large embryology website, with navigation directions
Carnegie Collection Embryos from the 1900’s, original studies that established the Carnegie Stages, and brief historical overview of the researchers and their efforts
The Virtual Human Embryo, Digitally Reproduced Embryonic Morphology: Multiple views of embryonic development through 56 days, Carnegie Stage 23 (These are studies of preserved embryos. Caution- science is not always easy to look at.)
Illustrations and text discussing ECTODERM: NEURULATION, NEURAL TUBE, NEURAL CREST
Inside Pregnancy: videos of simply explained embryology and fetal development, consistent comparisons to the size of various fruits, each video under 5 minutes Animated embryology development detail by week and system, press PLAY icon to advance each animated segment that accompanies onscreen text (you’ll need to update your Flash player! Flash links provided)
National Library of Medicine, SRY sex determining region Y
“CHEAP TORCHES”: An Acronym for Congenital and Perinatal Infections” Ford-Jones, E. Lee; Kellner, James D.
The Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal. 14(7):638-639, July 1995. (second page, midway down)
More on CHEAP TORCHES, Slide #10 from Congenital Viral Infections Dr. Sameer Naji, MB, BCh, PhD (UK) Dean Assistant Head of Basic Medical Sciences Dept. Faculty of Medicine The Hashemite University.
SCORTCH - Curious Congenital Conundrums Infographics & a podcast (an alternative to TORCH)
Slide presentation discussing embryology, with illustrations and voice-over.
29:48 minutes
Development and Birth
ACOG urges delaying elective induction to 39 weeks to support brain, liver, lung development
Consumer information about benefits of 40 week gestation for mother and baby, with illustration about brain growth 35-40 weeks
March of Dimes Prematurity Campaign, and Healthy Babies are Worth the Wait campaign
Wall Street Journal article about economic impacts of babies born by induction who then face deficits (must have a subscription to WSJ); March of Dimes spokesperson quoted.
Fetal Anomalies, Birth Defects, and Risk
Centers for Disease Control: Facts about Birth Defects
World Health Organization information on congenital anomalies, estimated death rate, long-term disability, chronic illness, discussion about causes and prevention. Congenital anomalies rate compared to other causes of death in 2013
National Health Service, United Kingdom, anomaly scan at 18-21 weeks pregnant, information sheets for parents regarding targeted anomalies and follow-up screening or tests
Folate and folic acid, nutritional effects on health, embryonic development