Study Group Coursework consists of fifty-four modules, each module with a focus on a particular topic and its relevance to midwifery care. The modules are designed to stimulate the self-motivation and passion for learning that are hallmarks of the professional midwife.
Welcome to Study Group!
Learn more about the Study Group Coursework Instructors and the Hive Mind Virtual Instructors HERE.
Watch the Hive Mind Recording from September 2024 to Meet the Study Group Coursework Instructors, and see the SLIDES to accompany the Hive Mind Meeting. For contact information and the calendar scheduling links for the Study Group Coursework Instructors see the Directors & Staff page.
Step 1 - Getting Started:
Study Group is intended to help students integrate didactic learning with clinical experiences in apprenticeship. Study Group Course Work consists of fifty-five modules, each module with a focus on a particular topic and its relevance to midwifery care. Completion of these modules requires approximately 1080 hours of study.
Students set their own pace with these studies, as long as they meet NMI’s minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress policy, a minimum of two (2) modules submitted per quarter. (The maximum number of modules a student may submit per quarter is 7.)
Before you begin the study group modules you need to complete the Pre-test. (Use password Granada2022 to log in to this pre-test). Please don't study, just take it cold. The test will be used as a tool for comparison after you complete NMI to assess knowledge acquired! You will not receive a score on the test. Once the test is completed, you can move forward with your module work.
Please contact Molly Dutton-Kenny with questions:
Step 2 - Access Coursework:
Study Group assignments are presented as modules. Each module covers a specific aspect of midwifery practice or knowledge in depth. Taken together, they will help you eventually build all necessary entry-level midwifery knowledge.
The first sets of foundational modules should be completed in their prescribed order. There is a Post-test after each set of foundational modules, (use the password Granada2022 to take each test). After these modules, you can move into the enriching modules. These can be completed in any order you desire. If you are unsure which module to do next, consider what topics have recently come up in your apprenticeship, or contact your instructor or the Academic Director to create a study plan.
Please make sure you understand how to answer the course work and properly submit the modules. At the beginning of each module there is a grading rubric with specifications that can guide your work. See the required reading, suggested reading and other resources. There are also formatting guidelines you are required to follow.
The final modules are about the set-up and practicalities of midwifery practice. These are to be completed just before you graduate from the program.
Questions? Contact :
Step 3 - Submit your Modules:
To complete your assignment, you need to answer each question thoroughly, and complete any assigned projects. Each question needs to be addressed using the recommended text or primary source (never Wikipedia). If we find you have copy/pasted from online sources, your work will be reviewed for plagiarism, and will be subject to the Academic Integrity policy. The submission will need to be rewritten in your own words and properly cited. If you find a new resource, use it and let us know!
When completing the Foundational Set of Modules, you will also be required to complete three Post-Tests and a Pharmacology Quiz. These will be graded as modules and scores tracked towards your graduation at NMI.
All work is submitted to the NMI Study Group email: in PDF format. Please be sure you put your name on ALL of your work and submit as a PDF. Title the PDF works with your first initial, last name and module name (example: ESmith.AROM.PDF or ESmith.NutritionalHandout.PDF). Your work will be returned within 2-4 weeks of submission. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the instructor by email.
Module Submission Attestations
You must fill out a Study Group Module Attestation Form within each module submission, (this is an NMI and MEAC requirement). When you email your module following the instructions above, be sure to also put your name and date, and check the boxes on the Attestation Form that is located at the beginning of each module, just before the questions begin. This form is required for each and every module you submit, including resubmissions. (As of October 18th, 2023, the attestation form within the module will be required, and the former online form button will not be available. If you have past attestations that were not submitted before this change of location, please contact Your work will be returned as INCOMPLETE if you do not fill out the form within your module. An attestation form for each module submission is required for graduation.
Citing Sources
Be sure to follow the Academic Integrity Policy and properly cite all sources referenced in module work. Cite sources when using direct quotes, images, charts, paraphrasing from texts or other sources, or when reciting anecdotal information from the Hive Mind or clinical apprenticeship, etc. Students are required to cite sources and demonstrate comprehension by submitting work in their own words. For more on Citations see the following resources:
Lecture Slides, Citations & Academic Integrity
Recording of Hive Mind session on Citations & Academic Integrity Integrity (January 11, 2023)
Module Evaluations
Students must complete a minimum of ten (10) Study Group Module Evaluations prior to graduation from NMI. All questions must be answered to be considered complete.
A Note About Practice Guidelines:
Clinical Practice Guidelines drafts are due with most modules. A comprehensive page with guidance on how to work with Practice Guidelines can be found here:
Study Group Modules
Below are all the modules currently required for Study Group completion through National Midwifery Institute.
All modules have been updated as of October 2018. Select modules since 2020 and 2022. NMI is in the process of updating all modules for the Curriculum Revision (2025).*
STOP! Before you get started on module work, complete the PRE-TEST first!
First Set of Modules to Complete: Normal Pregnancy and Prenatal Care | Normal Labor, Birth, and Immediate Postpartum | Post-Test 1
Second Set of Modules to Complete: Cultural Competency | Gender and Sexuality | Anti-Racism & Anti-Oppression in Midwifery | Research Literacy | Post-Test 2
Third Set of Modules to Complete: Basic Life Science | Renal System and Urinary Tract Infections | Embryology and Fetal Development | Nutrition and Digestion | Post-Test 3
Fourth Set of Modules to Complete: Apnea/Hypoxia/Respiratory Distress | Pharmacology for Midwives | Pharmacology Quiz
Modules About Midwifery Sciences: Fertility and Conception | Holistic and Traditional Health and Healing | Labwork and Other Clinical Assessments
Modules About Prenatal Care: Physical Assessment of the Adult | Prenatal Genetic Screening | General Pregnancy and Postpartum Ailments | Fetal/Newborn Circulation | Uterine Size and Estimated Due Date Discrepancies | Twins and Multiples | Ectopic Pregnancy | Pregnancy Loss: Abortion, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth | Gestational Diabetes | Hypertension | Pre-Eclampsia | Pre-Term Labor | Postdates Management & Postmaturity
Modules About Labor and Birth: First Stage of Labor | Second Stage of Labor | Third Stage of Labor | Breech Birth | OP, Brow, & Face Presentations | Cesarean & VBAC | Spontaneous Release of Membranes (SROM) | Artificial Rupture of Membranes (AROM) | Fetal Heart Rate Patterns | Meconium | Shoulder Dystocia | Hemorrhage | Pelvic Health, Birth Lacerations & Suturing
Modules About Postpartum Care: Placenta | Postpartum Care | Physical Assessment of the Newborn | Liver & Jaundice | Lactation and Infant Feeding
Modules About Social Sciences: Grief & Self-Care | Physical, Sexual, and Other Abuse | Substance Use & Misuse | Perinatal Mental Health
Other Modules: Lifelong Reproductive Healthcare
Final Set of Modules to Complete: Birth Bag & Set-Up | Consult, Transport & Transfer of Care | Charting & Practice Guidelines
Step 4 - Comprehensive Exam
Congratulations for completing all your modules! Now that your Study Group Modules are done, you must complete the NMI Comprehensive Exam. This examination measures competency in all areas required by NARM, MEAC, and ICM.
The score on the Pre-Test will be compared to that achieved in the Comprehensive exam after completion of the Study Group Coursework, in order both to evaluate increased competency and to make necessary revisions to NMI Coursework. Students must score at least 75% on the Comprehensive Exam in order to graduate, and will have two opportunities to do so. (Use password Granada2022 to log in to this Comprehensive Exam).
TIPS: Some students reference the "NARM Examination Test Specifications" (starting on page 31 of the NARM Candidate Information Bulletin or CIB), to use as a study guideline.
Step 5 - Coursework and Instructor Evaluations
Once you have completed your Study Group Modules, you must also submit the Course Work and Instructor Evaluation Form. This can be done at any time post Study Group, but must be turned in before graduation.
Congratulations on completing NMI’s Academic requirements!
Preparing for Graduation?
Review NMI’s Graduation Requirements, this page includes information for graduation and NMI’s NARM practice exam and review session.