Course Module
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Practice Guidelines Guidance
Online Resources
The Preeclampsia Foundation - Website
Preeclampsia and Eclampsia - GLOWM
A Critical Review on the Use of Race in Understanding Racial Disparities in Preeclampsia
Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy - Association of Ontario Midwives
Management of pre-eclampsia - Lelia Duley, Shireen Meher, and Edgardo Abalos
Reducing the Risk of Developing Pre-eclampsia - New Zealand Midwives
Preeclampsia - Khan Academy. NOTE: While this video has great illustrations of spiral arteries, many of the absolutes stated in this video are not accurate. Please cross reference the information in this video.
The Placenta in Preeclampsia - NCBI
Selenium and preeclampsia: A global perspective - Griffith University
Etiology and Management of Postpartum Hypertension-Preeclampsia - Baha M. Sibai
Postpartum preeclampsia or eclampsia: defining its place and management among the hypertensive disorders of pregnancy -Alisse Hauspurg, MD and Arun Jeyabalan, MD
New Zealand College of Midwives - Multi-disciplinary guideline links
With a Midwifery Today Subscription: Preeclampsia and Nutritional Priorities - Michel Odent
Khan Academy on Preeclampsia. This is an excerpt from a longer lesson on Pregnancy & Pregnancy Complications. For the full video, go Khan Academy at: