Requirement: It’s not new! The Study Group Module Submission Form

What is the Study Group Module Submission Form?  Well, this form has been around for years, even back when I was a student. Likely you have seen the red hyperlinked button in the Student Portal that said, “Completed this Module? SUBMIT IT HERE”, but you didn’t actually submit the module with this button, you still had to email it into NMI Study Group. This link led you to the form where you indicated what module you were submitting, that you submitted the module by email to NMI Study Group, that the work you submitted was your original work, and whether or not you submitted a module feedback form for that module. It is actually an attestation form, not a place to submit your module. Do you know the form? This form is required of all students for each module.

The form itself has not changed, it collects the exact same information. So, what has changed? The wording on the red hyperlink button was recently changed to say, “Completed a Module? Fill out the SG MODULE SUBMISSION FORM HERE” and it looks like this:

There are many students who regularly submit this form, but many who do not. For those of you who have not been submitting the form, I will send you an email with instructions on how to  catch up to date. Please check your email and complete this at your earliest convenience. 

Going Forward - All students must submit this form for each module submission. It is a MEAC requirement for NMI’s accredidations. It also helps Study Group Course Instructors keep track of the order of student submissions for timely return, and reminds students of submission guidelines and expectations. You must complete one form per module you submit. You will find the link to the form in the NMI Student Portal in various places, and in each module page. Please contact if you have any questions or concerns.