Introduction to Study Group, Studying and Completing Coursework


Shannon Anton initiated Study Group in 1994, in response to apprentice midwives in the San Francisco Bay Area who expressed a need for a midwife facilitated group learning process. Students who attended the first eighteen months of Study Group virtually defined the curriculum. Focus remained on the context of experiential learning, which moved the group from topic to topic.

In 2018, the original Study Group Modules were completely revised and updated by NMI Educational Co-Director and current Study Group Instructor Erin Ryan, with assistance from NMI Clinical Director Molly Dutton-Kenny. At the same time, additional modules were created, with a new sequence for module submissions.

Welcome to Study Group

Molly Dutton-Kenny, CPM, RM, Study Group Course Work Instructor:

Molly Dutton-Kenny, CPM, RM (she/her) is a midwife, educator and advocate based in Ontario, Canada. After graduating from NMI in 2015, Molly pursued the bridging program through Ryerson University in Toronto to work as a Registered Midwife in Ontario. Molly practices full time in a group practice, where she enjoys attending hospital & home births in her small community of Milton. In addition to her midwifery work, Molly has worked with NMI in various capacities since 2017, including academic revisions, accreditation support, and serving as the Clinical Director for 3 years. Currently, Molly works as a Study Group Coursework instructor, providing feedback to students on their academic submissions at NMI, and as a periodic HIVE Mind instructor teaching on student-selected topics.

When not working as a full-time midwife, she specializes in community education around full spectrum pregnancy loss and abortion, and midwifery-based management and support of these experiences, centering home and holistic medicine as options for most people. You can read more about her work at

Getting Started:

Study Group is intended to help students integrate didactic learning with clinical experiences in apprenticeship. Study Group Course Work comprises the majority of NMI’s didactic curriculum. Study Group Course Work consists of fifty-five modules, each module with a focus on a particular topic and its relevance to midwifery care. Completion of these modules requires approximately 1080 hours of study.

When Study Group Course Work is completed during apprenticeship, many students spread their work over twelve or more months. Students set their own pace with these studies, as long as they meet NMI’s minimum Satisfactory Academic Progress policy (a minimum of 2 modules submitted per quarter, and a maximum of 7 per quarter). See the Student Portal for more information on the order of module completion and post-tests.

Once you have completed Heart and Hands beginning and advanced coursework, instructor Elizabeth Davis notifies Study Group Instructor Erin Ryan, who will make arrangements for you to take the Pre-Test and begin your module work.

Submitting Modules

Using the website you should download the module you wish to complete. It is provided in Word or PDF format.  You need to answer each question thoroughly and questions needs to be addressed using the recommended text or primary source (never Wikipedia).  If I find you copy paste from online sources, your work will be returned as incomplete and need to be rewritten in your own words in order to be complete.  Use sources from NMI text list as these will be what NARM is based on and use the online resources. If you find a new resource use it and let me know! We are always looking for new and better resources.  I want to know you have accurate information but also like to hear your personal experience and opinion.  It is ok if your opinion differs from Varney or Frye! 

How to submit your work:

All work is submitted to the NMI Study Group email: in PDF format. Please be sure you put your name on your work and submit as a PDF. Title the work with your name and module name (example: Smith.AROM.PDF or Smith.NutritionalHandout.PDF). Your work will be returned within a month of submission. If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Erin Ryan by email or phone.

Practice Guidelines:

You will need to submit practice guidelines with most modules.  This is required in order for the module to be complete. There is no need to reinvent the wheel. You can use other midwives existing guidelines. A few resources:

Practice guidelines need to provide clear definitions and scope of practice, signs and symptoms and management plan that leaves room for individual decision making in the moment. Remember always write them the way YOU will practice not Varney or someone else and don’t box yourself in. 

For example, instead of writing:

Second Stage Transport
Midwife will transport after 2 hours of no progress

The issue here is if she is pushing and it’s been 2 hours but you can see the head- well you have to transport.  You must follow your own rules.

Instead use language like:

Second Stage Transport
Midwife will closely monitor progress during second stage.  Consider transport after no progress in a reasonable time.

Getting Connected

Being in a distance program does not mean you need to feel isolated. NMI is committed to helping you stay connected to staff as well as other students. Below are a few ways to get involved.

  • Weekly Hive Group:

    NMI students and graduates are invited to meet every Sunday and Wednesday evening for a virtual Hive meeting, using the free Zoom video conferencing platform to discuss a module topic. It is easy to join, fun, and informative. This group is open to all students regardless of apprenticeship of progress in the program. By the end of each session, students should be able to complete most of a module and have a deeper understanding of complex issues.

    If you are not on Facebook, you can use the information below to join each week. The link is the same every week.

    Weekly NMI Virtual Group: see the NMI school calendar for topics and leaders

  • Sunday at 5:30pmPST / 8:30pmEST

  • Wednesday at 4:00ps PST / 7:00pm EST

    Zoom Link Or Telephone:: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 408 638 0968 Meeting ID: 898 834 146

    Password: Hive

    We hope to see you there!

  • NMI Facebook group:

    At the time of enrollment, students are sent an invitation to join NMI’s closed Facebook Group for enrolled students and graduates. The Facebook group is a great place to ask question about modules, apprenticeship and midwifery. Students and grads are supported to post case studies, current research and other relevant midwifery information. Each week, Course Work Instructors post about links about the weekly Study Forum session.

  • Start your own group

    While Study Group modules are well suited to independent study, students also have opportunity to organize discussions in their own communities. Zoom video conferencing is available to any students wanting to create their own study group or student group.

  • How to Set Up A Study Group (PDF)